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6 Mar

In class we have been talking about the literature part of our project along with the Annotated bibliography. I was a little confused and im still not sure how it is all going to work out. I have never wrote anything similar to this and this will be a challenge for me. I know you basically just will copy and paste some of your annotations but actually putting it together in a paper form will become a struggle for me. I want to learn more about this and make sure i will be doing this right before i turn it in.

Research for Annotated Bib

6 Mar

While doing the research i have found it way more interesting than i thought. I have found a lot of things i thought never existed in the video games. The parents of these children are the ones that really have shocked me throughout my research. They just let their kids go to their rooms and they have no clue as to what they are doing and better yet what these video games are doing to them. I need to get more sources with different point of views and that is where i am stuck right now.

video game research

27 Feb

Reading these article i have found that this a huge issue around the word. These video games youth are engaging in are having a huge impact on their lives and the people around them. The parents of these kids do not realize that letting them play the video games whenever they like and not supervising them is causing them harm and their environment harm. The crime rate has went up and some believe its cause of video games and how youth do not know what is reality and what isn’t. I am finding a lot of information many different views to help my argument.


27 Feb

I am looking for research on video games and what influences youth to use violence in their homes and school. Does the video games have an impact on this type of behavior? I am finding great sources both from opposing points of view, Im just not sure what i think about the whole thing. I don’t know whether i believe video games increases violence or decreases it. From the articles i have been reading i can see both points. I need to stick to a side and do the most research on that side as well as the opposing side.

Annotated bibliography

27 Feb

Ferguson, Christopher J. “Video Games and Youth Violence: A Prospective Analysis in Adolescents.” Eric (2010).


The article, Video Games and Youth Violence: A Prospective Analysis in Adolescents is giving an opposing view on my thesis. Their research and studies within the article show that video games have no correlation with youth violence. The author states that video game violence may only have a weak affect, or only influence adolescents that are already in a violent environment. He believes that the studies shown on video games and violence are generalized and not credible. He also believes that the methodologies used in the studies are difficult to determine and evaluate. This is due to observational techniques rather than numerical data. For example, a psychologist observes and documents the behavior of a child. The author explains the Olsen study done in 2004, which concludes that video games have reduced violence in youth.   The author exposes errors in studies that claim video games influence youth violence. For example, the prospective design is generalized and limited and the variables aren’t valid. A study by Williams and Skoric in 2005 compared volunteers who played video games to a group who didn’t. The study was not credible due to the study period was short (1 month), and that the outcome measures are focused more on mild/non-serious aggression, and cannot be generalized to more serious aggressive acts.

This article is a valuable source because you need to have an opposing view in order to generate a good argument. The author is credible as he is a professor at A&M International University in Texas. He is in the Department of Behavioral, Applied Sciences and Criminal Justice. He is credible as he provides scholarly outside sources to support his argument. The article fits into my research because it shows different points of views on the controversial issue. This enables me to gain the trust of the readers, and to influence their opinion as I am offering both sides of the argument.

in class

21 Feb

I know i need to learn how to look up keywords on the internet for research. We have been trying to learn the best ways to do this during class and i feel like i have gotten better. I reallt think this is what would help me with my annotated bibliography and in doing research in general. I always have trouble finding the best information and feel like this is what i need to work on to make that better and have better information for my papers.

Cafeteria food

21 Feb

This article was really shocking to me. I can not believe that a turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potatoe chips, and apple juice is not healthy. that is probably the healthiest thing thay a parent could give to child and they actual eat it. For that specialist not allowing her to eat ehat her mother made and making her eat cafeteria chicken nuggets which is horrible for your body. If i was the parent i would be really mad and go to the school and say some words to this specialist and principle. This is teaching children the wrong idea of healthy food. No wonder why we as americans are obese.

research Proposal

21 Feb

















































































With the recent increase in violent video games there has been a major concern with whether or not children are influenced by these activities in real life. This has became a problem around the world and I want to know is there a direct coorelation between violent video game usage, and violent teen behavior? This is a problem that teens and parnts are dealing with. They are allowing these teens to play video games all day and especially ones that include violence. For example; killing people, stabing, bullying, and punching individuals. This is allowing our teens to think that these events are fine to do in the real world. They do not understand the difference between reality and games. Parents are not doing their job by watching and knowing what their children are playing. Some people do not believe that the reason teens are becoming violent with other children is from video game alone. They think that it is the way they were brought up or those are the things they se their own parents doing and friends. Violence can cause stress and and have many health effects. Getting mad and angry with one another is not good for anyone and could really hurt a person and can even kill them. I fel like this is such a huge issue that their should not be any violent video games made and with shooting guns, bloody worriors, knives, and anything else that could potentially hurt someone. All the murders, cereal killers, and robbers would decrease and make our neighborhoods safer and more appealing to live. People would allow thir children to go outside whenever enen when the parents cannot go out and watch them cause they know they will be safe. This is what is being taken away from families and the trust of other human beings. Researching this topic i will have to look up the ages this really has a affect on and what type of people this happenes too. Some keywords would be; Violence in teens, decreased crime, video games, affect in children video games. I dont really know the true reason why these teens think it is ok to treat other human beings like themselves. Looking through books, magazines, newspapers, and articles to gather all my information and to learn more than i already think i know.  I need to get research that point me to the core reasons of this violence and how bad of an effcert it has on these kids and what are their parents trying to do about this. Some issues i believe parents dont even realize how bad these videos are affecting their child. They think it has nothing to do with the video games and they  believe it just has to do with their children see in real life and what their friends are doing. Overall this will be interesting to research and really find the true meaning to all this violence kids are doing. This could easily be stopped and help the crime rates around the world.








Reflective essay

14 Feb

I found that while writing this essay it has been very difficult to stay on the same topic and find aot of things to talk about. Not having a long interview has made me not really know what to talk about and i dont really have that much information to elaborate on which is making it hard to put on paper. Other than that i feel like it is going smoothly and is really showing me what all i have learned so far and how much i have to learn.

mcdonalds nuggets

14 Feb

Just seeing that video and listening to all the things that are in a chicken nugget shocks me. To think that people in America take their children to get happy meals on a daily basis. This is teaching your kids that health does not matter and you can eat whatever you want because its fast and not that much money. This is a negative thing that americans are showing their kids and themselves. The things that are in  the nuggets are not even real and you are putting this in your body and not even sure if it digest. It should be a wake up call to anyone who watchs this video and hopefully parents will rethink giving this to their children.